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Sergey Korshunov

Sergey Korshunov is a professional International Latin American dancer. He has traveled all over the world competing in the most prestigious competitions with his partner, Michelle Hafle.

Sergey Korshunov

Michelle Hafle

Michelle Hafle is a professional International Latin American dancer. She has traveled all over the world competing in the most prestigious competitions with her partner, Sergey Korshunov.

Michelle Hafle

Aimee Mendez

Aimée Mendez has been a full-time partner dance teacher, competitor, and performer for over 20 years. She started her competitive career in the Professional American Rhythm category, competing in Texas, and throughout the United States.

Aimee Mendez

Cody Knight

Cody Knight was born and raised in Dallas, and attended school at the KD Actor's Conservatory of the Southwest. After graduating in 2002, he began his dance training in the American Smooth and Rhythm styles, becoming a professional teacher shortly afterward.

Cody Knight

Maya Apodaca

Born and raised in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Maya Apodaca started dancing at a young age, but discovered a passion for ballroom dancing in high school. Maya began her teaching career in Albuquerque, New Mexico before relocating to the Dallas area.

Maya Apodaca

George Furlong

Having been born to an Argentinean and musical family, George began his music education and exposure to Tango early on in life. George started formal music training at the age of 10 and continued though high school and college.

George Furlong

Jairelbhi Furlong

Jairelbhi Furlong began her dance training at the age of 9. She joined Las Voces Blancas, one of the top dance schools for kids. Jairelbhi was exposed to several different dances but clearly her passion was tap dancing, and was asked to be an assistant instructor. 

Jairelbhi Furlong

Jean Dorff

Born and raised in the Netherlands, Jean Dorff is a successful international Martial Artist and Ballroom Dancer. Because of his background in both dance and martial arts, Jean developed an interest in movement at an early age, exploring the concept of “conscious movement,” a term he developed to describe a connection of rhythm and movement with mind, body and soul.

Jean Dorff

Irene Martens

Born and raised in Sherman, Texas, (but also grew up for 4.5 years in Montross, Virginia) Irene was inspired to become a dancer because of her grandfather. When she was a toddler, her grandfather brought home Riverdance on VHS, which she grew up watching. As a kid, she said that she wanted to be a flamenco dancer but she supposed that Latin dancer is close enough.

Irene Martens

Jim Weber

Jim Weber began dancing over 20 years ago and, shortly thereafter, began assisting with classes at Cowboys Arlington. In addition to being the Dance Instructor at Cowboys Red River in Dallas from 1997 – 2000, he also began teaching private and group lessons at local dance studios.

Jim Weber

Wes Neese

Wes Neese began dancing West Coast Swing in 1996, joining a competitive team the same year, which won 2 national competitions. Wes has won numerous State and Regional 1st place titles, and is a current competitor, most recently placing 2nd in the Masters Jack & Jill Division at Dallas DANCE, a World Swing Dance Council national-level event.

Wes Neese

Bobby Pritchard

Bobby has taught country and western dancing including two-step, polka, east coast swing, cha-cha, waltz, night club, triple two step, and west coast swing for 30 years—teaching both social dancers and competitive dancers. Bobby has been competing for a total of 35 years with various partners and as a “pro” with his students on the UCWDC and ACDA circuits.

Bobby Pritchard

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