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Bobby has taught country and western dancing including two-step, polka, east coast swing, cha-cha, waltz, night club, triple two step, and west coast swing for 30 years—teaching both social dancers and competitive dancers. Bobby has been competing for a total of 35 years with various partners and as a “pro” with his students on the UCWDC and ACDA circuits.

Bobby Pritchard and Carla Romine began their dance partnership in February 2014. Together they have won numerous UCWDC event titles and five (5) UCWDC Worlds titles with the most recent four (4) being in the top division for couples 40+.

Carla has danced competitively off and on for approximately 20 years. She began with a different partner, and then as an amateur in the “pro-am” division in the mid 90’s through early 2000s. She took a 7- year break from the UCWDC competition circuit until she reunited with Bobby in 2014. During part of her 7-year break, she competed on the west coast swing circuit. Although Carla has not taught professionally, she has often been an “assist” to other dance instructors.

Get To Know Bobby in 22 Questions


“When I came to Studio 22 two-and-a-half years ago I never expected to gain so much confidence, not only on the dance floor but in all aspects of my life. I am so blessed to be able to learn from the best and be a part of the Studio 22 family.”
e chavez

Elizabeth Chavez
Private Lesson Student

“Studio 22 has a very personable and professional staff, amazingly talented and fun teachers, and a network of students to have as peers, mentors, and friends. Dancing has given me a hobby, a social outlet, a form of exercise, a new skill to learn that keeps me sharp, grace, and confidence. Studio 22 has not only gifted me dance, but has also provided me a family. I whole-heartedly recommend this studio to everyone. Come and grow our family!”

Iris Chang
Private Lesson Student


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